Netanyahu to hide in underground bunker in case of Iranian attack: Report


Published: 2024-08-06 19:43

Last Updated: 2024-08-06 19:45

Avner, Sara, Benjamin and Yair Netanyahu in Golan Heights. (April 23, 2019)
Avner, Sara, Benjamin and Yair Netanyahu in Golan Heights. (April 23, 2019)

“Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, along with his Wife Sara and son Yair, are planning to enter the “underground command bunker” in case the anticipated Iranian attack takes place.

According to sources close to Netanyahu cited by Hebrew media, Netanyahu and his family will enter the protected and fortified bunker complex located in the mountains of Jerusalem, which is intended for government and military officials to manage the war in cases of emergency.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s office has denied these reports, saying “Fake news. Never happened and never existed.”

The Shin Bet announced earlier that it is preparing the underground command bunker, known as the National Crisis Management Center (NCM)

The NCM is a secret facility in Jerusalem that cost billions and was established following the Second Lebanon War.

Yesterday, an Iranian member of the parliament called for the assassination of “Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in retaliation for the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

“We do not agree to anything less than Netanyahu’s death,” MP Mohammad Qasim Osmani said, according to Iranian media outlet IRIB TV.

The assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran was “impudent” for shedding the blood of a guest in Tehran, Osmani added.